Helping People, Changing Lives.

We are a social services organization dedicated to providing Aid & relief and helping the poor. Join us in making a difference today!


We are a social service organization dedicated to providing assistance to individuals and communities affected by various crises such as floods, heavy rain, earthquakes, and even lockdowns. Our primary goal is to ensure that those in need receive essential items to sustain themselves during these challenging times. We distribute food packets and clean drinking water to help alleviate hunger and provide access to safe hydration. Additionally, we also establish refugee camps to offer temporary shelter and support to displaced individuals. Our organization is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those facing adversity, aiming to provide relief and hope during these difficult situations.

About Us

At Vijay Thomke Pratishthan, we are passionate activists committed to supporting our community through various social services. Our mission is to bring hope and aid to those in need.

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Mobile : +918055809599